Read about other products featured in the Tech in the Classroom series. Student engagement will soar when they are able to see their written products played out on screen. How do I use it in the classroom? Plotagon is a brilliant tool for bringing student writing to life. The digital actors emote with facial expressions, and while the dialogue can be robotic, there is inflection and the words are rarely misspoken.

To be clear, this isn’t Pixar, but in terms of text-to-speech quality, it’s pretty good. After making a few pre-writing choices, it is simply a matter of typing the screenplay and watching the product on screen. When done, the final film can be downloaded for future viewing If they see something they don’t like, they can revise the screenplay, and the film automatically revises based on the edits. As they type, the can see their words and actions played out in the split-screen viewer.

Once the environments and characters are selected, users type the action and dialogue. Plotagon offers five big-city characters and six urban environments that let users get started quickly. The software can be used to make your own versions of classic stories, or combine them to create entirely new universes. The software then automatically produces an animated film. How does it work? Users write their story and then choose actors, environments and music. What is it ? Plotagon lets anyone create an animated movie directly from a written screenplay.